Original Paper
Background: Inhalational anesthetic agents are a major source of potent greenhouse gases in the medical sector, and reducing their emissions is a readily addressable goal. Nitrous oxide (N2O) has a long environmental half-life relative to carbon dioxide combined with a low clinical potency, leading to relatively large amounts of N2O being stored in cryogenic tanks and H cylinders for use, increasing the chance of pollution through leaks. Building on previous findings, Stanford Health Care’s (SHC’s) N2O emissions were analyzed at 2 campuses and targeted for waste reduction as a precursor to system-wide reductions.
Objective: We aimed to determine the extent of N2O pollution at SHC and subsequently whether using E-cylinders for N2O storage and delivery at the point of care in SHC’s ambulatory surgery centers could reduce system-wide emissions.
Methods: In phase 1, total SHC (Palo Alto, California) N2O purchase data for calendar year 2022 were collected and compared (volume and cost) to total Palo Alto clinical delivery data using Epic electronic health records. In phase 2, a pilot study was conducted in the 8 operating rooms of SHC campus A (Redwood City). The central N2O pipelines were disconnected, and E-cylinders were used in each operating room. E-cylinders were weighed before and after use on a weekly basis for comparison to Epic N2O delivery data over a 5-week period. In phase 3, after successful implementation, the same methodology was applied to campus B, one of 3 facilities in Palo Alto.
Results: In phase 1, total N2O purchased in 2022 was 8,217,449 L (33,201.8 lbs) at a total cost of US $63,298. Of this, only 780,882.2 L (9.5%) of N2O was delivered to patients, with 7,436,566.8 L (90.5%) or US $57,285 worth lost or wasted. In phase 2, the total mass of N2O use from E-cylinders was 7.4 lbs (1 lb N2O=247.5 L) or 1831.5 L at campus A. Epic data showed that the total N2O volume delivered was 1839.3 L (7.4 lbs). In phase 3, the total mass of N2O use from E-cylinders was 10.4 lbs or 2574 L at campus B (confirming reliability within error propagation margins). Epic data showed that the total N2O volume delivered was 2840.3 L (11.5 lbs). Over phases 2 and 3, total use for campuses A and B was less than the volume of 3 E-cylinders (1 E-cylinder=1590 L).
Conclusions: Converting N2O delivery from centralized storage to point-of-care E-cylinders dramatically reduced waste and expense with no detriment to patient care. Our results provide strong evidence for analyzing N2O storage in health care systems that rely on centralized storage, and consideration of E-cylinder implementation to reduce emissions. The reduction in N2O waste will help meet SHC’s goal of reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% before 2030.
Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a priority that must be addressed to reduce climate change and its negative impacts on earth and its inhabitants. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies GHG emissions into different categories, with scope 1 emissions defined as direct GHG emissions from sources that are controlled by organizations, including health care systems, and scope 2 emissions being indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, heat, steam, or cooling [
]. Stanford Health Care (SHC) has signed on to the US Department of Health and Human Services’ pledge to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 [ ]. Within the medical sector, inhalational anesthetic gases that are directly released into the atmosphere are a major source of potent GHGs. Thus, there is a fertile opportunity to reduce GHGs by reducing the emission of anesthetic gases [ ]. By collecting annual emissions data within the SHC system, improvements to sustainability and infrastructure could be explored.Global warming potential (GWP) represents the energy a gas is able to absorb relative to carbon dioxide (CO2), with a larger GWP representing increased planetary warming [
]. The environmental impacts of 2 inhaled anesthetic gases over a 100-year period (ie, global warming potential of GHGs over a 100-year period [GWP100]) are particularly relevant: desflurane, a volatile halogenated agent with particularly high GWP100 of 2540, and nitrous oxide (N2O) with a lower GWP100 of 298 but used in much higher volumes than other anesthetic gases, and with longer half-life compared to CO2, leading to lasting environmental consequences [ ]. Further, because of its low clinical potency, large amounts of N2O must be stored for use, increasing the chance of pollution through leaks. Centrally piped cryogenic liquid, centrally piped gas, and portable E-cylinders are the standard options for delivering N2O [ ]. Miles of pipes and innumerable valves in centrally piped systems lead to an abundance of leaks, contributing to excessive loss and waste [ ]. While desflurane has already been discontinued from routine clinical use at SHC, we aimed to determine the degree to which N2O emissions could be reduced and waste prevented, building on prior studies highlighting the waste of N2O in other institutions [ ].Methods
Phase 1
To begin investigating N2O emissions, purchase data (volume and cost) were collected and compared to total use data (clinical delivery) using the Epic SlicerDicer tool, part of the Epic electronic health record (EHR) [
]. Epic yearly clinical use data for N2O are available per clinical service in the SHC’s operating rooms. Gas losses in the system can be estimated by comparing documented gas delivery at the point of care with the volume of N2O purchased. Initial data analysis revealed a drastic amount of lost N2O, leading us to perform a pilot study (phase 2, E-cylinder implementation) to enable remediation aimed at reducing N2O emissions.Phase 2
Using the Institute for Healthcare Improvement framework of “Plan, Do, Study, Act” for performance improvement [
], a pilot study was conducted in the 8 operating rooms of the SHC campus in Redwood City, California (campus A). E-cylinder canisters were deployed in each operating room and all central N2O pipelines were disconnected. EHR documentation of gas delivered in liters (volume) was compared to measured E-cylinder mass. To verify use and track N2O leaving each tank, the E-cylinders were weighed before and after use on a weekly basis with the difference in mass converted to volume (liters). Since the measured pressure remains the same as long as liquid remains in the cylinders, pressure differences cannot be used for measuring N2O flow until only gas is left (at which point the pressure drop correlates with the amount of gas being removed) [ ]. By using the conversion of 1 lb (0.45 kg) of N2O being equal to 247.5 L [ ], the volume of N2O dispensed could be calculated. Total calculated volume leaving the E-cylinders based on measured mass was compared to total volume delivered according to Epic data.Phase 3
Following the results of phase 2, a secondary study was conducted in 16 operating rooms at Blake Wilbur Drive Palo Alto, California (campus B). Phase 3 used the same methodology as phase 2 over a 3-week period.
Ethical Considerations
Due to the nature of the research and institutional approval, no IRB approval was necessary. No identifying patient data was used as we only measured nitrous oxide gas delivery and utilization.
Phase 1
According to the Stanford Medicine Sustainability Program Office [
], the annual Palo Alto SHC 2022 Scope 1 emissions were 19,374 MTCO2e (metric ton of CO2 equivalent, the standard unit for comparing different GHGs to quantify their environmental impact and GWP) of which medical gases (including N2O, CO2, sevoflurane, and isoflurane) represented 4862 MTCO2e. N2O contributed 4590 MTCO2e of the medical gases. Thus, medical gases account for 25.1% of all SHC scope 1 emissions, and N2O alone accounts for 94.4% of those emissions (or 23.7% of the total).Annual clinical usage of N2O in 2022 per Epic data (
) was 780,882.2 L (3155.1 lbs or 1431.1 kg), with the greatest use being for orthopedic surgery, general surgery, and neurosurgery cases. However, the total amount of N2O purchased was 8,217,449 L (33,201.8 lbs or 15,060.1 kg), at a total cost of US $63,298. Thus, only 9.5% of the total purchased N2O was actually delivered to patients, and 90.5% (or US $57,285 worth) was wasted.Amount purchased (L) | Cost (US $) | Amount used (L) | Amount lost as waste (L) | |
Centralized system | 8,217,449 | 63,298 | 780,882.2 | 7,436,566.8 |
E-cylinders | 780,882.2a | 6015 | 780,882.2 | 0b |
aAmount needed to purchase with zero surplus based on use data under experimental conditions.
bAnnualized E-cylinder data are extrapolated from experimental conditions; real-world conditions may vary.
With these data indicating a loss of greater than 90% between storage tanks and clinical use, a highly inefficient storage and pipeline system was recognized. The proposed solution (for phase 2 of the study) was to decommission the storage tanks and pipelines and switch to portable E-cylinders that stored and delivered N2O at the point of care.
Phase 2
The change in mass of the E-cylinders indicated that N2O use at campus A totaled 7.4 lbs (3.4 kg), or a volume of 1831.5 L, over the 5-week study period. Epic data showed total N2O volume delivered to be 1839.3 L calculated to 7.4 lbs (3.4 kg; consistent with the measured 7.4 lbs). Using the standard of 1 E-cylinder=1590 L or 6.4 lbs (2.9 kg) [
], total use equaled 1.16 E-cylinders.Phase 3
The E-cylinder change in mass indicated that N2O use at campus B totaled 10.4 lbs (4.7 kg), or 2574 L, over the 3-week data collection period. Epic data showed total N2O volume delivered to be 2840.3 L calculated to 11.5 lbs (5.2 kg; compared to the measured 10.4 lbs, which would be equivalent to 1.63 E-cylinders) [
Principal Findings
Results from phase 1 corroborate findings from previous studies in the United Kingdom and Portland, Oregon [
, ], which reveal excessive waste from centralized storage of N2O and pipe systems for delivery. Phases 2 and 3 of this study, from 2 different SHC campuses, demonstrate the efficient, cost-effective elimination of waste through substitution of E-cylinders with storage and delivery at the point of care. In phases 2 and 3, avoidable N2O emissions were almost completely eliminated ( ). The discrepancy between actual weighed N2O and Epic-reported use for campus A was 7.8 L, or <0.1 lb (<0.1 kg). Campus B had a greater discrepancy with the difference in actual weighed N2O and Epic-reported use being 266.3 L, or 1.1 lbs (0.45 kg). The amount of gas delivered according to the EHR was greater than the amount actually measured at the source, potentially accounted for by limited precision of the scales used to weigh the E-cylinders (only to 0.1-lb increments), or accidental reconnection of N2O pipelines in one operating room during phase 3. This issue was detected after 1 week and immediately rectified.E-cylinders provide an efficient and effective solution, but they hold limitations. E-cylinders must be stored properly to ensure that they do not present a catalyst in the event of a fire [
]. However, no policy implementation is required as E-cylinders are already in use in operating rooms and costs associated with storage can be offset by the N2O saved. Ready accessibility, lower cost, reduced supply chain issues, and efficiency of E-cylinders far outweigh the abovementioned disadvantages.Limitations
The limitations of this study include the fact that real-world use and waste may vary from our experimental conditions, likely incurring greater losses. If e-cylinder valves are accidentally left open, losses may simulate those from centralized pipelines until the valve is closed [
] or the E-cylinder is emptied. The amount of N2O to be purchased would need to be greater than the amount used in our example ( ), to provide surplus in the E-cylinders as well as spare E-cylinders. Prospective estimates of volume when making a purchase order would likely exceed actual use. Both recording and documentation of N2O readings and the scale measurements are susceptible to error.Conclusions
Converting the delivery of N2O from centralized storage to point-of-care E-cylinders has dramatically reduced waste and expense with no detriment to patient care. Stanford’s pledge to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% can be achieved and even surpassed if this practice is changed in all SHC locations. The introduction of E-cylinders will provide a nondisruptive means for immediately decreasing emissions while continuing to provide optimal anesthetic care. Pilot studies throughout Stanford’s campuses continue, with the goal of removing the centralized N2O system and switching to E-cylinders at other sites, thereby significantly reducing anesthetic GHG emissions. Efforts to reduce GHG emissions may begin locally but have applications globally. Reducing the anesthetic carbon footprint of health care organizations is necessary for our planet and can begin with the reduction of wasteful emissions.
We would like to acknowledge the Stanford Sustainability Planning Office for their support throughout the project.
Authors' Contributions
EPK conducted the data analysis and drafted and edited the manuscript. DC conducted the data analysis and edited the manuscript. SK collected and analyzed the data. PK conceptualized the study, conducted and analyzed the data, and edited the manuscript. PK and SK (SaadatKhan@stanfordhealthcare.org) are co-corresponding authors.
Conflicts of Interest
PK is an associate editor for JMIR Perioperative Medicine.
Reduction in N2O emissions per metric ton of CO2 equivalents by switching from the original central supply to portable supply E-cylinder storage.
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EHR: electronic health record |
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency |
GHG: greenhouse gas |
GWP: global warming potential |
GWP100: global warming potential of GHGs over a 100-year period |
MTCO2e: metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent |
N2O: nitrous oxide |
SHC: Stanford Health Care |
Edited by T Aslanidis; submitted 09.08.24; peer-reviewed by A Maleki, LM Western; comments to author 07.10.24; revised version received 27.11.24; accepted 02.12.24; published 09.01.25.
Copyright©Eric P Kraybill, David Chen, Saadat Khan, Praveen Kalra. Originally published in JMIR Perioperative Medicine (http://periop.jmir.org), 09.01.2025.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Perioperative Medicine, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on http://periop.jmir.org, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.