About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JMIR Perioperative Medicine (Editor-in-Chief: Dr Nidhi Rohatgi, MD, MS, SFHM) is a global, peer-reviewed, open access journal indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ Seal), SCOPUS, EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials and Sherpa/Romeo.

We welcome contributions from diverse specialties impacting the care of surgical patients, such as, surgery, anesthesiology, general medicine, physiatry, nursing, allied health professionals, experts in artificial intelligence (AI), digital health technology, and also from informaticians, scientists, clinical trialists, health service researchers, quality improvement champions, or subspecialists (e.g., cardiologists, hematologists, pulmonologists) involved in Perioperative Medicine research. 

JMIR Perioperative Medicine recognizes the breadth of this field and invites manuscripts on a variety of topics in Perioperative Medicine including (but not limited to):

  • Design and application of AI and digital health technologies
  • Digital innovations in Perioperative Medicine (e.g., mobile apps, devices, wearables, telemedicine, patient monitoring, web platforms, virtual and augmented reality)
  • Preoperative risk assessment and optimization
  • High value patient-centered care delivery
  • Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS)
  • Novel pain management strategies
  • Blood management
  • Postoperative outcomes
  • Clinician training
  • Patient and caregiver education
  • Climate change and sustainability
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Global health initiatives

We accept original research, reviews, viewpoints, tutorials, research letters, quality improvement studies and observational studies.

JMIR Perioperative Medicine adheres to rigorous quality standards, involving a rapid and thorough peer-review process, professional copyediting, and professional production of PDF, XHTML, and XML proofs. All articles published here are also cross-listed in the Table of Contents of JMIR, the world's leading medical journal in health sciences/health services research and health informatics (http://www.jmir.org/issue/current).

We look forward to submissions from authors of diverse backgrounds as we together shape the field of Perioperative Medicine to improve the care and outcomes of surgical patients worldwide. 

Submit your paper today

For Theme Issues: To suggest a theme issue (also called e-collection), please fill out the Theme Issue Proposal form